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台灣繁體中文 簡体中文 日本語 English


タイトル 発売日 形式 言語 進捗 推薦度
PHP逆引きレシピ 第2版  2004/06/01 Printed 🇯🇵 🌒
Code Reading 2020/01/29 Printed 🌒 🌑
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 常に更新中 Blog 🇹🇼 🌒
20 Minute Hugo 2020/04/21 Youtube Video 🇺🇸 🌕 ⭐️

2021 reviews

20 Minute Hugo review The speaker tried to explain the syntax of the go template. It was helpful for me to understand the logic behind the Go template. However, it was not a step by step tutorial. As a beginner like me, you might get confused during the refactoring part. So my advice is to watch the whole video once and start practice after that.